Favorite Word: A Girls Talk Meme

I am a sucker for words. I get enticed by the way they sound, the way their smoothness run on a sentence and the creative thoughts that they induce.

Friendly Interruption: Play for dramatic effect

I do have a favorite one though.

It's simple. An adverb. Short. Classy, but heavy.

Nunca. It's Latin and it means never in English.
What is it again? How do you say it?

I have heard the word long before I have read it. It was introduced to me, properly, through one of Lynne Ewing's Daughter of the Moon Book Series. It has Latin phrases and during that time, I think I fell in love with the dead language. I think it was magical and spellbinding and romantic and beautifully creepy. I would love to read these works again.

The improper discovery of this word rooted from my mother. She always says this word whenever she's, well, angry at me. I was a lovely pain when I was young. I haven't had the slightest idea of what the word meant and I really didn't care that I don't know because I was mad, too. It's only during those Lynne Ewing days that I have come to realize my mom's angry word. She was only telling me that I should never go back crying to her when I do the things that I ain't supposed to do or that I should never talk back to her in a rude manner.

May the moon kiss you tonight and always,
The Dame

3 dropped their thoughts:

Unknown | August 12, 2011 at 10:30 PM

I learned something new today. Thanks! =)

Aiza | August 14, 2011 at 1:18 AM

Welcome :) Thanks for reading!

Anonymous | August 23, 2011 at 9:05 AM

the word's familiar, although i've never used it myself. and i always thought it was spelled "nungka" because that's how my elders say it. now i know :D

Word of the Day